Monday, February 21, 2011

BIg Slice of Humble Pie

So 2011 is filled with new beginnings for me.

I got a new job, started playing softball for the first time in my entire life, and I'm testing out my wifey skills by starting to cook. My dad would be so proud. lol

I love to learn, but I also love to be good at stuff right away. Yes, I know that hard work is the key to success, but it's hard when things just aren't clicking right away. Honestly, I've never worked a job in my life that I haven't been mildly proficient within a few weeks of starting the position.

This is definitely something new and different.

I've had an office job before working at the State Capitol, but lets face it, there are multiple checks and balances in place so that mistakes, when they occur are easily fixable... most of the time.

This new job that I have is beyond anything that I've ever done. Close attention to detail, patience, and constant communication are skills that are required to do the job. I thought I was great at all those things, but unfortunately, these are the areas that I need to work on the most. I also thought I was great at following directions, but apparently, I need to work on that skill too. Both my new job and my experience with softball have revealed this to me.

I try to tell myself that it will get better and to stick through it, but let's just face it, I've been handed a piece of humble pie. This is probably the most humbling experiences that I've ever had in my life.

I just hope it gets better soon.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Deftones Concert Look

Hello All,

So this is my first look that I'm trying.. It's sort of a red smokey eye for the Deftones Concert I went to last night. Here's the before picture...without make up:

ahh! Scary huh? Here's the after:

Not much of an improvement, but hey, at least I can walk in public without scaring anyone.

Here's how I did it:

1. Apply a shadow primer to your entire lid. I used this:

It works well, but it is kind of pricey, so if a cheaper alternative would be to use any concealer that you can find at a drug store.

2. Using a flat make up brush, apply the lighter color of the HIP Flare eyeshadow on entire lid.

3. With a crease brush, or some sort of fluffy brush, using a windshield wiper motion, apply Stila's Terracotta in your crease. The color will be overwhelming at first, but once you blend it at the end, it won't be so bright. If you don't have this product, any red eyeshadow will do.

4. Take another fluffy brush or the same brush you used in your crease and dip it in black eyeshadow. Any black eyeshadow will do... Apply it to your outer corner and blend upwards into your crease... but not too much because you don't want to cover the red.

5. IF the red is still too bright, you can tone it down by dipping your flat brush into the orange color of the HIP Flare eyeshadow duo. It brings the brightness down a notch. You just need a little bit of color, though.

6. Blend. Take your brush and get some of the lighter color in the HIP eyeshadow duo. The same color you used on your entire lid. Apply the color where the red meets the lighter color so the lines aren't as harsh.

7. Take another brush and blend it all together so the colors look more cohesive.

8. Apply Eyeliner. I used Mac Gel Eyeliner in Black track on my top lid and a black pencil eyeliner on the bottom lid. I lined my waterline. When lining your waterline, it is important to use a waterproof eyeliner.

9. APply mascara, do eyebrows, contour cheeks, and apply blush.

And that's it. Sorry guys, I got lazy at the end. Next time I'll do pics of each step, but I was in a rush yesterday.

LEt me know what I can do to make this look better and also if there were any steps that were unclear.

Had a fun time at Deftones last night. My necks is killing me and I have a bruise on my eye.