Friday, April 23, 2010

On A Budget

After next Thursday, I will no longer be working two jobs... I'll just be down to one.

That means, a day off, more time with my dogs, and more time at home. It also means... I'll be on a budget.

A few days ago, I went a little nuts trying to figure out how I'm going to survive on my limited income. I made a personal finances binder with a monthly budget of $1600 a month. That means I'll have to work 4 shifts at the restaurant I work at and make $100 each shift. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for working more at this job. So far, I love it... but I'm scared that when I NEED this job, I'll start to hate it because I'll be putting additional pressure on myself and it will no longer be enjoyable.

It also puts additional stress on me because I have to be planning my wedding and there are all of these unnecessary expenses that need to be taken care of before this stupid wedding gets off the ground. A few days ago, I was ready to throw in the towel, but I realized after focusing on solutions, (not problems) that no matter what, this wedding needs to happen in October. The next few months will be stressful for me... I just hope I can keep up with myself and all of the things that life is throwing at me.


  1. I put myself on a budget but my spontaneity keeps making me go over my budget. Sigh. DON'T put too much stress on yourself and I hope everything goes well with the wedding. I wished we had a "real" wedding (long story, kind of) but at the same time, I am so not a planner, so I would have been stressing and then wanting to quit too. It'll all be worth it in the end and then you can look back and be happy with what you had.

  2. Dear Ari-
    You have always had a lot more stress than anyone else your age, and I'm sure if you asked anyone around you they would agree that you have handled it all with grace. Every girl deserves their fantasy wedding. Let me know if you need help with anything.. I will be insanely bored after graduation haha :)
