Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trying To Do The Best With What I Have

I'm feeling the budget crunch so what am I going to do to cut down on spending?

1) Stop eating out so much and eat at home. (I need to eat less anyway so I can lose weight.)

2) Stop shopping... I have enough clothes anyway.

3) Stop getting monthly pedicures... Though this is something I will truly miss, it is necessary because I can't afford to pay $25 every few weeks to get a pedicure. I just bought Sally Hansen's French set last night from Target for $5. Hopefully it will work out... Will post pics later. Although I'm cutting this habit out of my life, I refuse to stop getting my eyebrows waxed because that's just a necessary evil.

4) Convert to drug store products: I love make-up. I love Mac and Sephora, but those are two expensive stores and make-up is an expensive hobby. So I am on the look out for cheap, quality, comparable drug store products. I just signed up for http://www.makeupalley.com/ where there are all sorts of product reviews. Definitely a helpful site.

5) Instead of joining 24 hour fitness, which was my plan after session, I'm just going to work out at home. I have some weights at home that I can use and running on the side of the road is definitely free. Still kind of bummed about this, but that's alright, I can make due.

6) Stop going out/Limiting my alcohol intake. I'm going to stop going out on the weekends and stay home. It's so easy to blow $100 at a bar in an hour even if it took 4 hours of waiting on tables to earn it. I have to save money and I'll be working more so going out and getting drunk should not be on my agenda.

Those are my 6 ways of cutting costs. Hope I can do it. Any other suggestions?


  1. Yay Ari! I'm so glad that you're on this! I know exactly what you mean because I have the hardest time not spending money; especially on ridiculous and random things I think I'll use. It's so hard sometimes to give up some of the luxuries you've become addicted to, but I guess it's all worth it in the end, huh? Hopefully I can remember that, so I don't spend an absurd amount of money at walmart or target or any other place.

  2. hahahah, right? that's what i'm saying. lol being on a budget sucks.

  3. I've enjoyed the 3-4 posts you've made. Sure wish I had the dedication to write that often. Judging from your work ethic and sticktoituivness, you will succeed at a lot of things. You've got to be a great person....most "dog" people are.

    Stick to it and I'll keep reading.

    Alive and Well in the Everglades

  4. For some of us, living frugally comes naturally. I've always saved and never bought anything--including four houses--that I couldn't have paid cash for. As for other ideas, if you've got debt, you might want to throw all the money you can at paying off the high interest bills as fast as possible

  5. Thanks for the tips. As far as debt goes, I have no credit card debts. Paying off student loans, medical bills, and for my wedding are my main concerns right now. My main purpose for living on a budget is because I will be working one job as opposed to two. But thanks again for the advice, my grandfather lived the same way you did and paid cash for everything. So far, that philosophy has worked for me.

  6. Ari! You have a blog!! Love it!! And I love this post! I stopped working when we had Luka but poata picked up another job and worked two jobs until last week. He hated his second job and didn't get to spend much time with Luka and I because of it so he quit and it was hard enough without me working and him having two jobs but now I'm not working and he has one job :( but it's all good! We still eat out but just skip apps or something. I swear sometimes eating out is less expensive than foodland!! But I shop way less than I used to! :( anyways I will be following your blog! Xoxo

  7. Yay you have a blog (me too :)! Money sucks and my financial goal is to win the lottery. Don't spoil my dreams ;) I haven't given up the gym membership yet because hello 3 years later I still need to lose the baby weight, the boys love swimming @ the gym and they have FREE (good) daycare, up to 90 mins per day. Anyhow, I try to drink coffee @ home (dislike coffee- went from lattes to americanos...now will try coffee again bc sbux adds up!). Anyhow, I feel ya!
